(805) 466-6713

Porcelain veneers are thin shells of ceramic that bond directly to the front surfaces of the teeth. They are an ideal choice for improving your smile. Placing custom veneers requires a high degree of technical skill as well as attention to cosmetic detail. When bonded to the teeth, the ultra-thin porcelain veneers are beautiful and virtually undetectable.

Only your dentist has access to the most safe and effective whitening treatments to provide the most outstanding results. 

Zoom! Whitening
Zoom! whitening is an great option for achieving instant and dramatic results. Teeth can be whitened up to 8 shades lighter in about an hour. It is a light whitening system that is performed in an office setting. Customized trays and additional in-home whitening products will be given after the Zoom! appointment as teeth need to be whitened on a regular basis (around every 6 months to a year) due to exposure to dark pigments in the our food and drinks. 

Take home whitening trays

Teeth whitening can be achieved in the comfort of your own home. Custom molds of your teeth will be used to fabricate customized trays. Each person’s individual smile will be considered and the whitening product will be tailored to their specific needs. In home teeth bleaching can be ideal for people who have experienced sensitivity due to bleaching in the past. Results typically take 4-8 weeks of daily use. 

Invisalign or clear braces, are a great option when wanting a straighter teeth or more a aligned bite to improve your smile and protect the health of your teeth.  This treatment can achieve proper alignment while being minimally visible. With advanced CAD/CAM technology, a specialized computer software generate a series of progressive trays that slowly move your teeth into position over a period of time. A new tray is swapped in at regular intervals until the proper alignment is achieved.

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